KARL OTTO Supercafé

BRAND Design

Logo Karl Otto Alexandra Bald

KARL OTTO is a breakfast café in Mannheim´s Neckarstadt district and run by two amazing founders with a passion for good coffee and delicious baked goods. The name refers to their dogs: Karl & Otto. 

Corporate Design Karl Otto Alexandra Bald

The founders Julia and Lisa created a beautiful space for their KARL OTTO CAFÉ: The interior is tastefully retro and reminiscent of a movie set. A true SUPERCAFÉ!

To contrast the strong character of the space I chose a rather straight forward, clean yet flexibel design concept for their corporate design.

All media is based on a simple square grid and can be adjust to every type of media. The logo also becomes part of the grid but can also be used on its own. 

We chose a joyful set of colors that also contrast some of the interior colors.

Businesscards Karl Otto
Karl Otto Cafe Mannheim

The menu is created in Google Sheets. Yes – that’s right!

One of the first ideas I had in mind while playing with the grid system was using some type of excel sheet for social media posts and KARL OTTO´S MENU. I know menus change a lot and have to be adjusted quick and easy. So I created a fancy sheet that can be printed and easily assembled by KARL OTTO´S team.

Menu Karl Otto Design
Grafikdesign Speisekarten
Stationary Design Karl Otto
Karl Otto Gutscheine