
This is my blog or let´s call it visual diary. My attempt to stay in touch with customers and friends off the beaten track known as social media. I have set myself the goal of publishing one post per month.

Das ist mein Blog oder besser Visual Diary. Mein Versuch mit, Kund*innen und Freund*innen abseits von Social Media in Verbringung zu bleiben. Ich habe mir vorgenommen, einen Post pro Monat hinzubekommen.

Xmas party with oh boy!

January didn’t start too dry. Team oh boy! and I made up for our Christmas party. I’ve been working with Carolin & Verena, who specialize in brand strategy, on and off for quite some time now. Their work often serves as the basis for my brand designs. 💡

Here’s a little recommendation for Brother Jakob in Mannheim’s Neckarstadt district, where you can get really good pizza (also vegg and vegan).

Why blogging now?

Wouldn’t it be nice if we all no longer had to feed these social media tools with time and energy? Instead, use the freed-up capacity to establish a better, freer way to connect with customers and friends?

I created my first MySpace page around 2003. So I’ve been using social media for over twenty years. I realize how difficult it is to even imagine an alternative “way to connect” …

I had a look at Fediverse and created a pixelfed account. That was very easy. So far I haven’t managed to import my Instagram profile (data supposedly corrupt, if you have a tip for me, please let me know).

The first impression reminds me of “Instagram in the old days” – times when you were at the end of the post feed after a few swipes and there were no ads. Insanely wohltuend🧘‍♀️.

Unfortunately, the whole thing is quite slow. This could be because so many new users are joining the server at the moment. Surely a solvable problem.

I’m not going to delete my Instagram profile for now. But I’m trying to spend as little time there as possible (even if my already low reach will suffer).

What do you think about this? Do you have a better idea than just a white blog? Feel free to comment …


Die Hausärzte Worms

A new portfolio project from 2024 – I was allowed to do the corporate design for the new practice of the Hausärzte Worms.
Die Hausärzte Worms

New business cards

Anyone who knows me knows that I love business cards and I’m sticking to this old-school medium. The advantage of times when you only need small print runs: You can make some really wacky stuff. I have turned my cards into unique pieces with my little hand embossing machine:

In love with …
Christiane Schwambacher

Christiane makes amazing objects out of plastic things.

EA80 at Oetinger Villa

Had been to a concert for what felt like 100 years. And with lots of other dinosaurs at the Oetinger Villa in Darmstadt – actually the first time in this venue after all those years in Mannheim. Incidentally, Druckwelledesign made the stylish poster for the concert.

Sending wishes into the universe

Freaky photo by Sylviane Brauer

In week 2, I took a look back at all the projects from 2024 and realized that In addition to my mostly fantastic customers (you know who you are 🫶), I unfortunately also drew a few rivets last year. I got into complicated and frustrating situations. In the end, the results were not satisfactory (at least for me). 🫠

Yes, that’s the way it is – it’s part of it, I know. But I’m still asking myself what I can do better, which red flags I need to look out for in future and, in general, where the journey should take me.

At this point, I’d like to send a few wishes into the universe! ✨
I would really, really like the following projects in 2025:

– Designing a winery brand or at least a wine label
– Branding for a new, physical product (fancy packaging!)
– CD for solo entrepreneurs who want something wild!

2025, Let’s do this!


Music Women Germany

At the beginning of the year, I started thinking about the new look for the Music Women Germany association. I can’t reveal much yet, but I’m really excited because I had so many ideas … The darlings are definitely doing important work, so take a look:

Currently reading

Nelson Mandela der lange weg zur freiheit

I was recently in South Africa, which prompted me to read Nelson Mandela’s autobiography The Long Walk to Freedom. The book is highly recommended (especially if you are planning a trip to the country). It has only been 30 years since all South Africans were allowed to vote, and society is still heavily marked by the apartheid era.

Check your privilieges → vote on February 23

and otherwise?

I had a bit of Covid, was pretty knocked out but my outfits were still on point. Thanks also to the new KARL-OTTO-SHIRTS (designed by Jasmin Kugel)

To be honest, being sick and not being able to go out with people gave me time and leisure for this blog idea.

What´s next?

I’m going on a short trip to Northern Ireland at the end of January. Looking forward to Belfast tips and will report back!

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